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"Changes in Goa: Tourism and Hospitality Issues"

Goa is a favorite destination for tourists. Influencers have suggested alternatives like Bali, Sri Lanka, and Vietnam this year. While suggesting alternatives is good, it’s important to see if it has had any impact. However, tourists have learned about these options, which are beneficial. This adds to their knowledge. During the end of the year, especially around Christmas, Goa is always crowded.

In the past decade, we can see many changes in Goa, such as tall buildings and the increased number of casinos along the Mandovi River. The new flyovers are also noticeable upon entering Goa.

Goans are known for their hospitality, but changes in circumstances have also been observed, which is expected. Now, many who come from outside Goa seem more commercial in their dealings, often taking advantage of both locals and tourists. For example, when you order a salad or papad, a specific brand can cost ₹100 at a local hotel. Similar price hikes are seen for accommodations like hotels and resorts, where rates change daily based on demand. In today’s online age, hotel businesses even offer a "cross-check" option, but these rates are often inflated, which means tourists might still get cheated.

There is a noticeable difference in the quality of goods and services during the peak season. Business owners argue that they must increase rates during busy times, but these hikes can be two and a half times or more than regular prices (for instance, if a room costs ₹2000 a day, it might go up to ₹4500 during the holiday season). Tourists often don't have a guarantee that their bookings will be honored. Since they usually have no local connections, they seek trustworthy recommendations. While having local connections can help, the chances are lower during the peak season, even for locals who may not receive preferential treatment.

In the last eight years, the number of foreign tourists in Goa has decreased, while domestic tourists have increased. There are tourists throughout the year, yet the warmth of Goa's hospitality seems to have diminished. Preserving this hospitality would benefit everyone involved.


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